Warwick Cavell


General Management and Consulting Director

Warwick’s focus is on the broader issue of business improvement. Ultimately the reason for any change (whether it be marketing, HR or anything else) is improvement (why else would you do it?). Change needs to be seen in the context of the total business strategy and overall performance improvement if it is to achieve the desired results. There will be human as well as system impacts to any change. The way the leadership team goes about change will have a significant impact on the success of the change. How is change and performance improvement being lead and managed in your business?

Above anything else, Warwick sees himself as a facilitator, coach and ‘sounding board’ rather than a consultant. He believes that real change can only be brought about through the people in the business taking the leadership role. His role is facilitating the change/improvement process and helping the leadership team build the business’s capability. “Results” is his mantra.

With over 30 years’ experience in business, both in terms of the ‘harder’ disciplines (he is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia) and also in the ‘softer’ skills (he is currently completing a Graduate Certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Warwick is able to seamlessly work across the total range of business issues in a way that very few others can. He takes a holistic methodology to change and performance improvement with an insightful and perceptive approach.

He has particular strengths in the following market segments:

  • Professional Service Firms (and service based businesses generally)
  • Family and privately owned businesses
  • Not for Profits

…and through his alliances can provide the same service to the manufacturing sector.