Briggs Communications: Brand Strategy

Briggs Communications: Brand Strategy

Ready, Willing and Able

We are passionate, energetic and committed Communication specialists. Our area of expertise is in Talent Placement, Media Training, Public Relations and Crisis Management.

Website Design

Stationery Set

Word Document Template

Powerpoint Template

Creative Marketing Theme

Corporate Style Guide


Client : Briggs Communications


Ready, Willing and Able

We are passionate, energetic and committed Communication specialists.   Our area of expertise is in Talent Placement, Media Training, Public Relations and Crisis Management.

Project Scope

Brand Strategy and Positioning

Logo redesign


Website Development

Creative Marketing Theme

Social Media

Content Strategy for the Web: Is Your Website Built for Online Success?

Content Strategy for the Web: Is Your Website Built for Online Success?

All websites can be classified into 4 types:

1. A site that sells product(s) or service(s) by the quality of design and copywriting, which is in turn

2. A lead generation site that attracts potential new clients

3. A customer support or self service site that reduces costs by completing routine tasks, replacing or reducing human interaction

4. A content site that educates or informs visitors about your organization or service

Most websites are a mixture of the above, yet content strategy is the key! They all need to do 2 things to be successful:

  1. Attract enough new prospects to survive and prosper by cost effectively letting their target audience know that they exist (PUSH), and/or getting found (PULL).
  2. Once prospects land on your website, their experience there needs to be positive, and this is a decision that is often made in less than 1/20th of a second! The user experience is determined by the quality of design and copywriting which is in turn developed by following a strategic process outlined by the diagram below:

Website marketing is an ongoing process, similar to designing and building a house. It is then important to maintain and build the value of your marketing properties and prevent this value being depreciated through neglect of infrastructure or promotional activity by competitors.

To get the best return on the marketing investment, time needs to be dedicated to answer the questions that assist in building a solid foundation for the marketing of your business online.

By starting at the bottom and working up, the process will be shorter, less painful and more profitable.

www – web – the great equalizer by content marketing

The web allows ‘small business Davids’ to compete with corporate Goliaths.

Your website is the most flexible and accountable content marketing weapon today. Usually the first thing that your prospects see and experience about your business, it is your most public face to the world, a showroom open every hour of every day.

  • The investment into your website is 100% measurable and hence accountable.
  • Your website is an interactive medium and a distribution channel that allows 1 : 1 personalization
In the case of a recession the use of the internet by consumers will only be accelerated as they will spend  more time at home. So remove the cobwebs from your website today!

Internet Advertising is still very underutilized.
A typical US consumer might spend 25% of their media consumption time on the Internet but a typical US advertiser spends only 7% of their communications budget on the web.

Web technology is more accessible than ever: Low Cost and Easy to Use, if you choose to DIY in-house and cheaper than ever to be outsourced to a third party web marketing agency. But be careful who you choose!

Design, Build, Promote, and Maintain to maximize results and make your website work as hard as you do to:
  • Provide visitors with a taste of your product or service
  • Tell visitors why they should buy from you and not your competitors
  • Collect information about your customers
  • Customize customer experience
  • Improve customer service and provide a vehicle for feedback
  • Generate sales leads