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Using Linkedin Effectively

Are you using LinkedIn to its full potential? LinkedIn is a powerful platform that often gets under used but when used effectively it is extremely powerful.

The following tips will help you get the most out of your profile, your network and the platform in general.



Customize your public profile URL – claim your LinkedIn vanity URL.

SEO your profile – Optimise your profile with key terms you want to get found by.

Personalise your blog and website links – Change the anchor text to make those links more

Endorsements – Users can endorse connections for skills in the Skill & Expertise section of your profile. Go through your connections and endorse people you think deserve recognition, and watch the reciprocal endorsements role in.

Show work samples – add media such as videos, images, documents, links, and presentations to your LinkedIn profile.

Customise your sections – Add, remove, and rearrange entire sections of your profile to show off your best attributes.

Use Saved Searches – save up to 10 job searches and three people searches, which you can re-run for an update on the scene you are interested in.

Easy resume – LinkedIn’s Resume Builder tool creates your CV from your profile and templates in seconds

Job Search – Not only does LinkedIn make it easy to search for jobs by industry and location, also suggests jobs you may be interested in too!

Profile badge on your personal website – help grow your professional network by adding a linked Profile Badge.



Connections, connections, connections – LinkedIn offers a number of tools to connect with contacts as well as suggest an endless amount of possible connections. You should be constantly looking to increase your network.

Network Updates – Interact with your connection by Liking, Commenting and Sharing their updates.

Visibility – Unless you are job seeking or recruiting you really should allow others to see who you are if you view their profile, in so reducing barriers to striking up a conversation.

Own your data – in the unlikely event LinkedIn breaks one day or you want to contact all your connections from outside LinkedIn, you should always have a backup of your connections. LinkedIn makes it pretty easy to do this too.

OpenLink – If you sign up to the OpenLink network (Premium account holders only), it will allow you to be available for direct messaging from any other LinkedIn member. After all it’s a Social Network right..!?

Use @<name> in your status updates – The @<name> function shares other users or companies in your status updates and also appears in theirs too, therefore increasing the reach. Be mindful not to spam or abuse this though, or you could damage your reputation.

Check who’s stalked you – knowing which LinkedIn users have visited your profile page should help you connect with more people that obviously open up more businesses opportunities.

Groups – Groups enable you to contact any other group member directly and you can view all group members’ full profiles too.

Advanced Search – this feature provides a highly specific search, which can also highlight how you are linked to your search results, and therefore a way to be introduced.



Company Updates – Publish status updates for all your company followers to see. You can use LinkedIn’s targeting tools for company updates, which can drastically increase engagement.

Manage your Company Page – Make sure this is regularly updated and you keep an eye on any of the frequent design and layout changes LinkedIn implement.

Showcase Pages – Showcase Pages have replaced the old Products and Services pages, which now allow you to deliver content specfic streams of information to segmented audiences about your individual product lines and categories within your own business.

Monitor Page Insights – these tools let you evaluate the performance of your Company Page. They show performance data about your page’s status updates, engagement, and reach, as well as information about your page’s followers.

Publishing platform – anyone can publish a new article to LinkedIn Pulse now, so why not test how Publishing could support your marketing via your Company Page.

Adverts and Sponsored Updates – LinkedIn’s PPC ads let you target specific job titles, job functions, industries, or company size.

LinkedIn Pulse – Pulse is a section that aggregates the most popular articles shared across LinkedIn. This can keep you up to date with all the latest news and thoughts.

Trending Content – This provides insights in to what content is currently the most popular within your industry. A great tool to help influence the content you should be creating and sharing.

Leads – Promote and share links to your landing pages in your status updates, appropriate groups, Showcase Pages and the publishing platform.

Create your own Group – Create a group based on an industry-related topic, and become a LinkedIn Group administrator. You can then use this group to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry, grow a community of advocates, generate new marketing content ideas, and even acquire new leads!

Use Polls in Groups – you can poll group members to research opinions. Group managers allocate publishing rights, so you may need to contact them first if they have restricted users.

Recruitment – You can use LinkedIn careers pages to promote your available job openings and target candidates with specific skills and expertise.

Share buttons on your website – by adding the Company Follow and share buttons to your website, it will make it easy for browsers to follow and share your company updates with a single click.