You Need Original Ideas & More Creative Execution but more importantly you need to SHARE!
- 12 Half Page Print Ads are more effective than 6 Full Page Ads
- One Colour, called spot colour can be used instead of Full Colour to decrease the cost without effecting effectiveness if the design is used creatively to compensate for this.
- Use 30 Second Radio Ad v 60 Second Radio Ad
- Decrease the Direct Mail List Size and follow them up with Telemarketing or
- Share the cost of Direct Marketing – Printing, Mailing and Distribution with a complimentary Product / Service.
- You can share the cost of traditional advertising like print by coming up with a creative advertisement that promotes 2 complimentary products in one advertisement and generates synergy between the products to the benefits of both.
- The same concept can also be taken online by sharing Pay Per Click bid costs and the costs of the Landing Pages.
Start thinking and sharing.
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