www – web – the great equalizer by content marketing

The web allows ‘small business Davids’ to compete with corporate Goliaths.

Your website is the most flexible and accountable content marketing weapon today. Usually the first thing that your prospects see and experience about your business, it is your most public face to the world, a showroom open every hour of every day.

  • The investment into your website is 100% measurable and hence accountable.
  • Your website is an interactive medium and a distribution channel that allows 1 : 1 personalization
In the case of a recession the use of the internet by consumers will only be accelerated as they will spend  more time at home. So remove the cobwebs from your website today!

Internet Advertising is still very underutilized.
A typical US consumer might spend 25% of their media consumption time on the Internet but a typical US advertiser spends only 7% of their communications budget on the web.

Web technology is more accessible than ever: Low Cost and Easy to Use, if you choose to DIY in-house and cheaper than ever to be outsourced to a third party web marketing agency. But be careful who you choose!

Design, Build, Promote, and Maintain to maximize results and make your website work as hard as you do to:
  • Provide visitors with a taste of your product or service
  • Tell visitors why they should buy from you and not your competitors
  • Collect information about your customers
  • Customize customer experience
  • Improve customer service and provide a vehicle for feedback
  • Generate sales leads

Marketing tactics on how to cut your marketing costs without decreasing effectiveness

While marketing tactics deal with needing Original Ideas & More Creative Execution, more importantly, you need to SHARE!

  • 12 Half Page Print Ads are more effective than 6 Full Page Ads
  • One Colour, called spot colour can be used instead of Full Colour to decrease the cost without effecting effectiveness if the design is used creatively to compensate for this.
  • Use 30 Second Radio Ad v 60 Second Radio Ad
  • Decrease the Direct Mail List Size and follow them up with Telemarketing or
  • Share the cost of Direct Marketing – Printing, Mailing and Distribution with a complimentary Product / Service.
  • You can share the cost of traditional advertising like print by coming up with a creative advertisement that promotes 2 complimentary products in one advertisement and generates synergy between the products to the benefits of both.
  • The same concept can also be taken online by sharing Pay Per Click bid costs and the costs of the Landing Pages.

Start thinking and sharing.

Importance of PR for Brand Positioning of Small Businesses (SME's)

The “birth of a brand” is achieved with publicity, not advertising. A new brand must be capable of generating favorable publicity in the media or it will not have a chance in the marketplace. It’s a window into your brand identity.

PR automatically generates greater credibility through “unbiased editorial” rather than a “paid” message.

The ultimate cost effective guerrilla marketing tool, PR can give ‘David’ brand positioning advantages over the larger and better-funded Goliath!

Successful and correctly implemented Public Relations campaign can deliver:

  • Greater visibility and exposure than traditional / paid advertising
  • Greater frequency levels than traditional / paid advertising

at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

The right marketing tool before you start communicating: A Marketing Action Plan

The right marketing tool before you start communicating: A Marketing Action Plan

To reach your customers and prospects with your message most cost effectively and improve your Cost Per Lead, you will need the best marketing tool; a plan. Your Marketing Action Plan should include the following:

  1. Align each target audience with the Appropriate Offer and hence Communication Objective
  2. Plan each of the target market communications throughout the calendar year.
  3. Prepare a realistic marketing activity schedule based on the your budget.
  4. Specify the parties responsible for execution of each initiative.
  5. Record all of the necessary chronological steps to implement the communication strategies.

The Marketing Activity Schedule usually consists of an excel spreadsheet that outlines each activity, when it occurs and how much it costs to implement. Here is a hypothetical example of what one may look like with costs being omitted.

On the Marketing Activity Schedule you can also mark any important events on your marketing calendar, like trade shows, or product launches, etc.

The one page overview will provide all staff in the company with a great overview of all marketing activities, costs and timings. Together with the Marketing Action Plan, everyone will be on the same page in terms of objectives and responsibilities.

Marketing tactics dealing with the importance of frequency

Marketing tactics dealing with the importance of frequency is demonstrated below:

1. The first time a man looks at an advertisement, he does not see it.

2. The second time, he does not notice it.

3. The third time, he is conscious of its existence.

4. The fourth time, he faintly remembers having seen it before.

5. The fifth time, he reads it.

6. The sixth time, he turns up his nose at it.

7. The seventh time, he reads it through and says, “Oh brother!”

8. The eighth time, he says, “Here’s that confounded thing again!”

9. The ninth time, he wonders if it amounts to anything.

10. The tenth time, he asks his neighbor if he has tried it.

11. The eleventh time, he wonders how the advertiser makes it pay.

12. The twelfth time, he thinks it must be a good thing.

13. The thirteenth time, he thinks perhaps it might be worth something.

14. The fourteenth time, he remembers wanting such a thing a long time.

15. The fifteenth time, he is tantalized because he cannot afford to buy it.

16. The sixteenth time, he thinks he will buy it some day.

17. The seventeenth time, he makes a memorandum to buy it.

18. The eighteenth time, he swears at his poverty.

19. The nineteenth time, he counts his money carefully.

20. The twentieth time he sees the ad, he buys what it is offering.”

Thomas Smith of London wrote this back in 1885 when the Newspaper was the only medium!

Today the estimates are that the average consumer is exposed to between 500 to 5000 brand messages per day. Estimates vary depending who you believe, but regardless of the actual number these figures illustrate that more than ever that ONE exposure is hardly ever enough, especially when it comes to “disruptive” or uninvited media communications.